Azure Service Operator V1 in ARO
This content is authored by Red Hat experts, but has not yet been tested on every supported configuration.
The Azure Service Operator (ASO) provides Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs) for Azure resources that can be used to create, update, and delete Azure services from an OpenShift cluster.
This example uses ASO V1, which has now been replaced by ASO V2. ASO V2 does not (as of 5/19/2022) yet have an entry in the OCP OperatorHub, but is functional and should be preferred for use, especially if V1 isn’t already installed on a cluster. MOBB has documented the [install of ASO V2 on ROSA]. MOBB has not tested running the two in parallel.
Prepare your Azure Account and ARO Cluster
Set the following environment variables:
Note: modify the cluster name, region and resource group to match your cluster
AZURE_TENANT_ID=$(az account show -o tsv --query tenantId) AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID=$(az account show -o tsv --query id) CLUSTER_NAME="openshift" AZURE_RESOURCE_GROUP="openshift" AZURE_REGION="eastus"
Create a Service Principal with Contributor permissions to your subscription:
Note: You may want to lock this down to a specific resource group.
read -r ASO_USER ASO_PASS < <(az ad sp create-for-rbac -n "$CLUSTER_NAME-ASO" \ --role contributor --scopes /subscriptions/$AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID -o tsv \ --query "[name,password]" | xargs)
Create a secret containing your Service Principal credentials:
cat <<EOF | oc apply -f - apiVersion: v1 kind: Secret metadata: name: azureoperatorsettings namespace: openshift-operators stringData: AZURE_TENANT_ID: $AZURE_TENANT_ID AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID: $AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID AZURE_CLIENT_ID: $ASO_USER AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET: $ASO_PASS AZURE_CLOUD_ENV: AzurePublicCloud EOF
Deploy the ASO Operator:
cat <<EOF | oc apply -f - apiVersion: kind: Subscription metadata: labels: "" name: azure-service-operator namespace: openshift-operators spec: channel: stable installPlanApproval: Automatic name: azure-service-operator source: community-operators sourceNamespace: openshift-marketplace startingCSV: azure-service-operator.v1.0.28631 EOF
Deploy an Azure Redis Cache
Create a Project:
oc new-project redis-demo
Allow the redis app to run as any user:
oc adm policy add-scc-to-user anyuid -z default
Create a random string to use as the unique redis hostname:
REDIS_HOSTNAME=$(cat /dev/urandom | tr -dc 'a-z0-9' | fold -w 8 | head -n 1)
Deploy a Redis service using the ASO Operator and an example application
cat <<EOF | oc apply -f - apiVersion: kind: RedisCache metadata: name: $REDIS_HOSTNAME spec: location: $AZURE_REGION resourceGroup: $AZURE_RESOURCE_GROUP properties: sku: name: Basic family: C capacity: 1 enableNonSslPort: true --- apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: azure-vote-front spec: replicas: 1 selector: matchLabels: app: azure-vote-front template: metadata: labels: app: azure-vote-front spec: containers: - name: azure-vote-front image: resources: requests: cpu: 100m memory: 128Mi limits: cpu: 250m memory: 256Mi ports: - containerPort: 80 env: - name: REDIS_NAME value: $REDIS_HOSTNAME - name: REDIS value: $ - name: REDIS_PWD valueFrom: secretKeyRef: name: rediscache-$REDIS_HOSTNAME key: primaryKey --- apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: name: azure-vote-front spec: ports: - port: 80 selector: app: azure-vote-front --- apiVersion: kind: Route metadata: name: azure-vote spec: port: targetPort: 80 tls: insecureEdgeTerminationPolicy: Redirect termination: edge to: kind: Service name: azure-vote-front EOF
Wait for Redis to be ready
This may take 10 to 15 minutes.
watch oc get rediscache $REDIS_HOSTNAME
the output should eventually show the following:
NAME PROVISIONED MESSAGE l67for49 true successfully provisioned
Get the URL of the example app
oc get route azure-vote
Browse to the URL provided by the previous command and validate that the app is working

Delete the project containing the demo app
oc delete project redis-demo