Maximo Application Suite on ARO ( Azure Red Hat OpenShift )
This content is authored by Red Hat experts, but has not yet been tested on every supported configuration.
IBM Maximo Application Suite (MAS) is a set of applications for asset monitoring, management, predictive maintenance and reliability planning. When combined with Azure Red Hat OpenShift ( ARO ), this frees up your Maximo and operations team to focus on what is important to them ( Maximo ) rather than having to worry about managing and building clusters.
This document outlines how to get quickly get started with ARO and installing Maximo all through automation.
- an ARO Cluster (see Deploying ARO with Terraform )
- oc cli
- ansible cli
- a Maximo License Key
Note: You must log into your ARO cluster via your oc cli before going through the following steps.
Prepare the Environment
Note: This guide re-uses environment variables from the Deploying ARO using azurerm Terraform Provider guide. If you have an existing cluster, you’ll need to set them appropriately for the cluster.
- Run this these commands to set some environment variables to use throughout (Terraform commands need to be run in the directory you ran Terraform)
Maximo environment variables.
You do need both an IBM entitlement key and a Maximo license ID and file. These can be obtained from IBM.
export MAS_CONFIG_DIR=~/tmp/masconfig
export MAS_INSTANCE_ID=inst1
mkdir -p $MAS_CONFIG_DIR
OpenShift Environment Variables
export CLUSTER=${TF_VAR_cluster_name}
INGRESS_SECRET_NAME=$(oc get secret -n openshift-ingress -o json | jq -r '.items[] | select(|contains("ingress")) |')
az aro list --query \
"[?name=='$CLUSTER'].{ ResourceGroup:resourceGroup,Location:location}" \
Prepare the Storage Accounts for MAS
- Change the default storage class
oc patch storageclass managed-csi -p '{"metadata": {"annotations":{"":"false"}}}'
Create an Azure Premium Disk for Maximo
cat << EOF | oc apply -f - apiVersion: kind: StorageClass metadata: name: managed-premium annotations: 'true' provisioner: parameters: kind: Managed storageaccounttype: Premium_LRS reclaimPolicy: Delete allowVolumeExpansion: true volumeBiningMode: WaitForFirstConsumer EOF
Create an Azure Premium File Storage for Maximo
cat << EOF | oc apply -f - apiVersion: kind: StorageClass metadata: name: azurefiles-premium provisioner: parameters: protocol: nfs networkEndpointType: privateEndpoint location: $LOCATION resourceGroup: $RESOURCEGROUP skuName: Premium_LRS reclaimPolicy: Retain allowVolumeExpansion: true volumeBiningMode: Immediate EOF
Install IBM Maximo Application Suite with Ansible
IBM has provided an ansible playbook to automate the installation of Maximo and all the required dependencies making it very easy and repeatable to get started with Maximo.
Click here to learn more about the OneClick Install of Maximo.
- Install the Maximo Ansible collection
ansible-galaxy collection install ibm.mas_devops
- Run the Ansible playbook
ansible-playbook ibm.mas_devops.oneclick_core
And that’s it!! … it will take about 90 minutes for the installation to complete follow along the ansible log messages if you like.
You can also open the OpenShift web console and view the projects and resources the playbook is creating.

When the playbook finishes, you will see the following showing the installation is complete along with the MAS Admin Dashboard with username and password to use.

Open the MAS Dashboard URL in your browser and log in with the given username and password.

Note: If you are using the default domain that comes with ARO, the URL will show it’s insecure due to an untrusted CA. For a production level Maximo installation with ARO, the cluster should be created with a custom domain where you control the certificates. Follow these directions from IBM in manually appling the certificates for MAS.
If you see a blue spinning circle from the admin page like this:
In the browswer, change admin to api and hit enter. For example: change to
This will return a message like the following:
Try to load the admin screen and this time it should work.
Install Maximo Applications ( Optional )
Optionally install Maximo applications you would like to use. In this example, we will install IT and Asset Configuration Manager.
On the Admin page, click on Catalog and then under applications click on Manage.
Select both IT and Asset Configuration Manager and then click on Continue.
Keep the defaults and click on Subscribe to channel. Note that this can take 10+ minutes.
Once you see thate Manage is ready to be activated, click on Activate
Finally, click on Start activation on the next screen. Note that this step can take several hours.