Securely exposing an application on a private ROSA cluser with an AWS Network Load Balancer
Red Hat strongly recommends creating a private ROSA cluster with no inbound Internet connectivity, isolating both the cluster API and hosted applications from external access. This configuration is a key part of a multi-layered security strategy to protect clusters and workloads from external threats.
However, some applications may require Internet access to support external users or partners. Even with a private cluster, you can securely expose these applications through various methods. For example, a TCP-based application like Kafka may need connectivity to allow partners on the Internet to send or receive data. This document provides guidance on one specific method to securely expose a TCP-based application while maintaining the security of a private cluster.
This approach ensures that the application remains accessible as needed while keeping your cluster’s core components safely isolated.
This guide describes how to setup the following:
- a Private ROSA Cluster
- a 2nd ingress controller ( AWS Network Load Balancer ) used for application(s) you want to expose to the Internet
- a custom domain configured for the 2nd ingress controller
- a 2nd ‘Public’ VPC peered with the ROSA VPC
- a ‘public’ network load balancer in the ‘public’ VPC
This is just one layer in securely exposing an application. Additional measures, such as a firewall, web application firewall (WAF), and other security controls, should also be considered to strengthen the overall security posture.

You will need a A Private ROSA Cluster (see Deploying ROSA HCP with Terraform if you need help creating one). Make sure to select the private option in Terraform.
Set environment variables. In the example we re-use the variables from the Terraform guide
For reference only, this is the expected output from the Terraform guide.
export ROSA_CLUSTER_NAME=$TF_VAR_cluster_name export ROSA_VPC_ID=$(terraform output -raw vpc_id) export ROSA_PRIVATE_R_TABLE_IDS=$(terraform output private_route_table_ids | sed -e '1d' -e '$d' | cut -d'"' -f2) export ROSA_PRIVATE_SUBNET_IDS=$(terraform output private_subnet_ids | sed -e '1d' -e '$d' | cut -d'"' -f2) export ROSA_PUBLIC_SUBNET_IDS=$(terraform output public_subnet_ids | sed -e '1d' -e '$d' | cut -d'"' -f2) export REGION=$(rosa describe cluster -c $ROSA_CLUSTER_NAME -o json | jq -r export ROSA_VPC_CIDR=$(aws ec2 describe-vpcs --vpc-ids $ROSA_VPC_ID | jq -r '.Vpcs[].CidrBlock') export JUMP_HOST_SUBNET=$(echo $ROSA_PUBLIC_SUBNET_IDS | head -n 1)
Set additional environment variables for a custom domain and additional ingress controller.
note: this tutorial will use AWS Route53, if you have a different DNS follow the same steps in creating DNS records in your DNS environment.
export INGRESS_NAME=public-ingress #name of the new ingress controller export CERT_NAME="lab-domain-com-tls-cert" export SCOPE="Internal" export HOSTED_ZONE=ABCDEFGHEXAMPLE #(Optional - Route 53 Hosted Zone ID ) export HOSTED_ZONE_REGION=us-east-2 #(Optional - Route 53 Hosted Zone Region ) export #Custom Domain for public apps
Create a public VPC or set your VPC Environment variables
If you already have a secondary public VPC you’d like to use, please set the following environment variables for that VPC.
export VPC_ID= #VPC ID
export PUBLIC_SUBNET= #Public Subnet ID
If you’d like a guided walkthrough to create the secondary public VPC, follow these instructions . This guide will also set all the required environment variables needed.
(Optional) Launch an Jump Host EC2 instance in Public NLB VPC
This guide requires connectivity to the cluster, because we are using a private cluster you will need to ensure your workstation is connected to the AWS VPC which hosts the ROSA cluster. If you already have this connectivity through a VPN, Direct Link or other method you can skip this part.
If you do need to establish connectivity to the cluster these instructions will guide you through creating a jump host on the public subnet of the ROSA cluster.
Create a second ingress controller for public applications
To limit the blast radius, a second private ingress controller will be set up within the cluster, connected to by an additional public network load balancer.
(Optional) create certificates for your domain.
Note: Make sure if update your DNS with a text record as prompted. You can also use nslookup to make sure the record is set.
nslookup -q=TXT
Create certficates
certbot certonly --manual \
--preferred-challenges=dns \
--email "" \
--server \
--agree-tos \
--config-dir "./config" \
--work-dir "./work" \
--logs-dir "./logs" \
-d "*.${DOMAIN}"
Add Domain certificates to OpenShift
Note: the following uses the certificate generation output from certbot. If you already have certificates, substitute the key and certificate location.
if using the jump host, you will need to copy the key and certificate to the jump host and run the oc command there
log into the Openshift cluster, if you need the ROSA API url you can find it with this command
rosa describe cluster -c kmc-private -o json | jq -r '.api.url'
oc create secret tls $CERT_NAME --key=config/live/${DOMAIN}/privkey.pem --cert=config/live/${DOMAIN}/fullchain.pem -n openshift-ingress
Add Domain certificates to AWS ACM
When we create a listener for the public load balancer, we will add a certificate to the listener. Adding a certificate to an AWS Network Load Balancer listener enables encrypted, authenticated connections, enhancing security and compliance by protecting data in transit.
export CERT_ARN=$(aws acm import-certificate --certificate fileb://config/live/${DOMAIN}/cert.pem --private-key fileb://config/live/${DOMAIN}/privkey.pem --certificate-chain fileb://config/live/${DOMAIN}/fullchain.pem --region us-east-1 | jq -r '.CertificateArn' )
echo $CERT_ARN
Create an additional IngressController
A fundamental aspect of this architecture is the creation of a second Ingress Controller to manage routing for applications exposed to the Internet. This Ingress Controller is configured as a private AWS Network Load Balancer. The decision to keep it private serves two primary purposes: first, it prevents direct access to the cluster and applications from the Internet; second, by directing traffic through a public ingress VPC initially, you can centralize Internet access control for your environment and implement your organizational security standards, including inspection, WAF, firewalls, and other security technologies.
if using a jump box run this command there
envsubst <<EOF | oc apply -f -
kind: IngressController
annotations: "true"
generation: 2
labels: "true"
namespace: openshift-ingress-operator
name: ""
clientCertificatePolicy: ""
name: $CERT_NAME
domain: $DOMAIN
dnsManagementPolicy: Unmanaged
networkLoadBalancer: {}
type: NLB
type: AWS
scope: $SCOPE
type: LoadBalancerService
httpCompression: {}
httpEmptyRequestsPolicy: Respond
name: ""
replicas: 2
reloadInterval: 0s
unsupportedConfigOverrides: null
Get the newly created Network Load Balancer hostname and IP addresses
if using a jump host of ‘oc’ command run this command there.
NLB_HOSTNAME=$(oc get service -n openshift-ingress router-${INGRESS_NAME} -o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].hostname}')
Copy the output of the above command to a new environment variable on your workstation
Wait a few minutes for the load balancer to be provisioned and run these commands. If they don’t return with IP addresses, just wait a while and run then again.
export NLB_IP_1=$(nslookup $NLB_HOSTNAME | grep Address | sed -n 2p | cut -d ' ' -f 2)
echo $NLB_IP_1
export NLB_IP_2=$(nslookup $NLB_HOSTNAME | grep Address | sed -n 3p | cut -d ' ' -f 2)
echo $NLB_IP_2
Update DNS records
As described, this tutorial uses AWS Route53 to handle DNS records. If you use a different DNS system use the following as a reference.
Create and configure the public NLB
Start by creating a target group
export TARGET_GROUP_ARN=$(aws elbv2 create-target-group --name ${INGRESS_NAME}-tg \
--protocol TCP \
--port 443 \
--vpc-id $VPC_ID \
--target-type ip \
--health-check-protocol TCP \
--health-check-port "traffic-port" \
--health-check-enabled \
--health-check-interval-seconds 30 \
--health-check-timeout-seconds 10 \
--healthy-threshold-count 5 \
--unhealthy-threshold-count 2 | jq -r '.TargetGroups[0].TargetGroupArn')
Register the targets for the AWS Network Load Balancer that was created when we added the second IngressController
aws elbv2 register-targets --target-group-arn $TARGET_GROUP_ARN --targets Id=$NLB_IP_1,Port=443,AvailabilityZone=all Id=$NLB_IP_2,Port=443,AvailabilityZone=all
Create a security group for the public load balancer Create an additional Security Group for the jumphost
aws ec2 create-security-group --group-name $TAG_SG --description $TAG_SG --vpc-id ${VPC_ID} --tag-specifications "ResourceType=security-group,Tags=[{Key=Name,Value=$TAG_SG}]"
Grab the Security Group Id generated in the previous step
NLB_SG_ID=$(aws ec2 describe-security-groups --filters "Name=tag:Name,Values=$TAG_SG" | jq -r '.SecurityGroups[0].GroupId')
echo $NLB_SG_ID
Create the public load balancer
export PUBLIC_NLB_ARN=$(aws elbv2 create-load-balancer --name ${INGRESS_NAME}-nlb \
--subnets $PUBLIC_SUBNET \
--security-groups ${NLB_SG_ID} \
--scheme internet-facing \
--type network \
--ip-address-type ipv4 | jq -r '.LoadBalancers[0].LoadBalancerArn')
Authorize TCP 443 access to the load balancer
aws ec2 authorize-security-group-ingress --group-id "${NLB_SG_ID}" --protocol tcp --port 443 --cidr
Create a listener for the load balancer using the target group we just created
export LISTENER_ARN=$(aws elbv2 create-listener \
--load-balancer-arn ${PUBLIC_NLB_ARN} \
--protocol TCP \
--port 443 \
--default-actions Type=forward,TargetGroupArn=$TARGET_GROUP_ARN | jq -r '.Listeners[0].ListenerArn')
Get the DNS Hostname of the public load balancer
PUBLIC_NLB_HOSTNAME=$(aws elbv2 describe-load-balancers --load-balancer-arns $PUBLIC_NLB_ARN | jq -r '.LoadBalancers[0].DNSName')
Get the NLB environment variables
export PUBLIC_NLB_HOSTED_ZONE=$(aws elbv2 describe-load-balancers --load-balancer-arns $PUBLIC_NLB_ARN | jq -r ".LoadBalancers[0].CanonicalHostedZoneId")
Create an alias record json statement.
cat <<EOF > add_alias_record.json
"Comment":"Adding an alias record for the NLB in Route 53",
"Action": "CREATE",
"Name": "*.$DOMAIN",
"AliasTarget": {
"EvaluateTargetHealth": false
Update Route53 with the new record
aws route53 change-resource-record-sets --hosted-zone-id $HOSTED_ZONE --region $HOSTED_ZONE_REGION --change-batch file://add_alias_record.json
Test an application.
Create a test applciation in a new namespace.
oc new-project testapp oc new-app -n testapp
Expose the test application Service.
Let’s create a Route to expose the application from outside the cluster, and annotate the Route to give it a new Certificate.
oc create route edge --service=hello-openshift testroute --hostname hello.$DOMAIN -n testapp
Access the application Route.
Open your browser to hello.$DOMAIN and you will see a secured web page that displays Hello OpenShift.